Our Story.

From a very young age I have always enjoyed making things. Everything from drawing and painting, building with Legos, to building treehouses. I was always around it, my grandfather and dad where always building something. However, my woodworking journey really didn’t take off until after I retired from the U.S Army. I got connected with Project Healing Waters and started to learn how to fly fish. Well part of the fun with that is learning how to create and tie flies. An important part of this process is having a space to organize your your materials and tools for this process. This is where the woodwork journey began!

Above is the first wood and epoxy fly tying bench I made for myself. Along the way I’ve made charcuterie boards, cutting boards, used epoxy, built furniture and other unique pieces for clients homes. As my love for woodworking continues to grow, the desire to produce a high quality piece that is not only beautiful, but something that can be passed down through generations.

A special thank you to my wife for supporting me through this journey and all the clients who have purchased from us in the past and the future!